Eco-Friendly Documentaries on Netflix
“Netflix & Chill” is a way of life, is it not? We all know that Netflix and other movie streaming apps and sites are amazing. I don’t have to convince you of that. If you don’t have time to read several blog posts, informative articles, or books about eco-friendly lifestyle, maybe movies and documentaries are more your speed? Just because they’re documentaries doesn’t mean they’re boring, either. They’re super intriguing and usually make me want to do even more research. This list of eco-friendly Netflix movies includes titles that cover sustainable living, consumerism, waste, food, pollution, and more. This list is just the beginning, though – there are several other movies, shows, and documentaries available on Netflix and other websites, whether through streaming or on a DVD. Let me know any that I missed in the comments below. But for now…
Grab your snack, your cozy blanket, and your boo, bestie, or babies to watch these movies with.
Eco-Friendly Documentaries on Netflix
“More, newer, cooler: That’s the American Dream. But these creative people see the dream as being more about happiness.”
A Plastic Ocean
“When he discovers the world’s oceans brimming with plastic waste, a documentary filmmaker investigates the pollution’s environmental impact.”
The Future of Water
“Access to fresh water gives life to humankind. One of our most precious necessities must be protected. But how?”
Mission Blue
“Our world is 70% sea, but our waters are in deep trouble. Meet the woman who lives to save Earth’s dying oceans.”
Chasing Ice
“See glaciers shrink before your eyes via time-lapse photography. Nobody comes out of this one in climate-change denial.”
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
“A filmmaker blows the lid off of a conspiracy of silence. The risks are heavy, but our planet’s future is worth it.”
Hungry for Change
“Think you’re making your own decisions about food? Think again. The food industry is doing it for you.
Forks Over Knives
“High cholesterol? Low energy? Put away your tamper-proof bottles and get a new prescription for healthy living.”
In Defense of Food
“Journalist Michael Pollan examines the industry driven Western diet to show how it has ruined our health, then offers solutions for the future.”
Food Choices
“This documentary examines the world’s diet and points to food choices as the culprits for declining health as well as a major cause of climate change.”
The True Cost
“In order to keep the price of clothing down, workers around the world wind up paying with their lives.”
Green Way Up
“Four resourceful, eco-minded 20-somethings try to traverse thousands of kilometers, from Tasmania to Darwin, Australia, fueled solely by biodiesel.”
Stink! – The Movie
A documentary by Jon Whelan that grapples with the discovery that some products on American store shelves are not safe, by design.
This documentary explores how sustainable farming is no longer seen as illogical, but as the only way forward to a healthy farming industry, a healthy earth, and healthy people.
Other titles on & off of Netflix:
On Netflix: Food Inc., Sugar Coated, Fed Up, Plant Pure Nation, What The Health, The Great Invisible, Chasing Coral, No Impact Man.
Other sources: Hemp Revolution, No Impact Man, Tapped, King Corn, Crude, Fuel, and The 11th Hour.
Which eco-friendly Netflix movie are you curling up to and watching first? Let me know in the comments below how you like them, what you learn, and if there are any others that everyone must watch!
xoxo dolls & dudes,
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[…] toxic fragrance compounds. If you don’t know about the scary side of fragrance, check out the Eco-Friendly Netflix Movies list to find a documentary about it and other natural living […]