Sometimes it is really frickin’ hard to remain optimistic. The world is a shit show, honestly. So we need a little bit of inspiration to keep our head above water. Hence, this series. Eco-Inspiration: the things that are inspiring me and piquing my interest this week in the realm of sustainability. October 19-23, 2020.
Lights Off for Migratory Birds
Something new I learned recently: light pollution can kill migratory birds. Several birds migrate through Texas each fall. Birds find their way using the moon, stars, and other parts of nature, which, unfortunately for us all, cannot be seen in the city. To help protect this natural process, businesses have started turning off their lights during migration season in order to lessen light pollution thanks to the Lights Out Texas campaign. The excessive city lights (light pollution) can confuse the birds, tiring them out as they try to find their way south. If they continue to fly around in confusion, not able to find their way, they can literally die from exhaustion. By cutting their lights off, major businesses that light up the skyline have the potential to make a real difference.
We (especially businesses) can interrupt the natural world so much. Realizing that and making adjustments + paying attention to ancestors and people who have always put the planet first is the best way to sustainably move forward. Learning about efforts like this always puts a smile on my face!
Black Women + Levi’s SecondHand – Denim for Sustainable Change
The Sustainability change agents Dominique Drake and Whitney McGuire have teamed up with LEVIs for the launch of the brand’s new venture, SecondHand, a marketplace for second hand denim. Seeing a major brand create their own resale market is very inspiring and it feels like another step in the right direction. Teaming up with Black women to tell the story make it even better, and I love to see it!
$400 Goal to Plant Trees EXCEEDED
Thanks to the wonderful Old World New community of folks + our family and friends, we were able to raise $422 for the 4th Annual Fundraiser to Plant Trees for my son’s birthday! It was so exciting to see our goal be met and exceeded. Thank you to everyone who was able to give, who shared about it, and who wanted to give, but couldn’t. We appreciate you all.
Read about our 4th Annual Fundraiser to Plant Trees.
Learn how to host your own environmental fundraiser.
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