Elderberry Syrup, Fire Cider, & Other Natural Immune-Boosting Recipes & Home Remedies
If you’re searching for a more natural way to try to fight the sickies during the cold season, these tips and recipes are just what you need!
Note: I am not a medical doctor and this is not medical advice. I’m just letting you know what has worked for me and some other people.
I’m from the south, and my earliest version of a home remedy was ginger ale and sleep, plus some of my Granny’s medicine until I was able to see a doctor. However, when I was in college, my papa taught me about hot toddys – basically tea with some spices and a shot of whiskey or some type of brown liquor. I started to pay attention to what my Daddy, Granny, Papa, and Aunts would tell me to do when I got sick, and that helped me build my toolkit for getting better without or with minimal use of over the counter drugs.
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The Best Natural Ingredients
There are some plants and spices that help to break up mucus and clear up the yuckies quicker than they could go away on their own, and more safely than over the counter medicines. Typically, the spicier or more pungent, the better. They all play a key role in many of these recipes to make them potent and helpful when it comes to boosting your immune system or fighting of a sickness. Below is a list of some of the ingredients that I have used, and that other natural and holistic writers have included in their recipes, too.
Edible ingredients:
- agave syrup (for vegans)
- apple cider vinegar (preferably raw and organic)
- cayenne
- cinnamon
- cloves
- echinacea
- elderberry
- garlic root
- ginger
- honey (preferably raw, natural, & local)
- horseradish
- jalapeño
- lemon
- onion
- rosehip
- sage
- turmeric
Inedible ingredients:
- baking soda
- bentonite clay
- carrier oils
- epsom salt or dead sea salt (depending on your sensitivity to epsom salt)
- essential oils
A Collection of Natural Immune Boosting Recipes
Bath Soaks and Detox Recipes
Soaking in an easy to prepare bath helps to detox your body by pulling those toxins out through your biggest organ – your skin!
- Sinus Congestion Bath Soak by Eco Living Mama
- Detox Bath for Babies by Gentle Nursery
Immune Boosting & Detoxing Recipes
Using a variation of the herbs and ingredients listed above, you can create whichever of these recipes you wish. Thank you to my friends who allowed me to share their recipes with you!
- Elderberry Syrup by Eco Living Mama
- DIY Frozen Elderberry Drops for Kids by Eco Living Mama
- Fire Cider by Practical Self Reliance
- Vitamin C Flush (A Detox Drink) by Detox & Prosper
- Elderberry Syrup by Mindful Mama
- How to Use Ginger in Recipes for Healing and Flavor by Nancy Andres of Colors 4 Health
- Immune Boosting Elderberry Oxymel by Practical Self Reliance
- Herbal Immunity Tea by Practical Self Reliance
- Ethical SpitFire Cider & the Hot Toddy Playlist by Impact Fashion USA
- Kick-a-Bug Juice by Carolinas Natural Health Center
Again, it is important that I note that neither I, nor the writers of any of these articles, are doctors. These remedies are meant for educational purposes, not to be taken as medical advice. However, I do hope that this post helps you in some way!
Do you have any natural family or family friend recipes passed down that always work for you? Let me know in the comments below!