“I Be At Thrift Stores Like…”
I’ll say it again like I’ve said it before – Macklemore made a great thrift guide in the form of song, but I have some more tips to share with you today, the Old World New Girl way!
Thrift stores have so many treasures, some in plain site and some hidden. But does the thought of thrifting terrify you? Or maybe when you go thrifting you feel like you can never come up on those “great finds” that people who love to thrift always talk about?
Well, my dear, listen up. With patience, and these 5 Tips, you too can become the owner of some great thrifty items!
Plan your Thrifting Strategy
Plan a thrifting day or a block of time to dedicate only to thrifting. Giving yourself time to browse every nook and cranny of a thrift store’s clothing sections yields better results. If you feel rushed at a thrift store, you will either think there is nothing there for you, or you will buy something that you’ll soon regret. Neither is a good outcome.
Expect the Unexpected
Minimal expectations are good expectations. A big imagination and an open mind are even better! You never know what you can find at thrift stores. But you must remember that thrift stores are not like department stores – you can’t go in and expect to see something on a mannequin and then find it in your size. Every piece is unique. You also shouldn’t go with the mindset of finding an exact piece of clothing. You can keep the idea of a particular item in the back of your mind, and if you find it, great! If not, you won’t be disappointed.
Dress the Part
Dress comfortably and wear minimal makeup and a hairstyle that won’t be absolutely ruined by changing clothes often – the try out process. But I mean, if you can run around in heels with a pooch in one hand and a latte in the other at thrift stores, more power to ya. Do it big! I’ll stick to my #bumswag… ‘cuz when you got it, you just got it!
Step Outside the Box
Search outside of your “department.” Go to the boys section and find a pair of old high waist jeans to transform into a nice pair of shorts. Check out those 2-piece grandma swagger suits with the loud prints. They are great for cutting and redesigning, or wearing the pieces separately as a new outfit’s statement piece. Search the entire store, not just the areas that you normally automatically go to.
Try it On
Try It On!!! Seriously, try it on. You never know what could be perfect for you unless you do! If you don’t try it on, you could miss out on the perfect.
How do you like to thrift? Let me know in the comments below!
Michelle F. says
Thanks for sharing this. I am of the “estate sale” generation, while my daughter loves thrifting. We’ve been a couple times, but never with a plan. Definitely going to work at stepping outside the box!
Old World ~ New Girl says
Oh yaye, Michelle! I hope that works for you, and if you find some awesome things by stepping out of the box, share them on the Old World New Girl facebook page! =)
Money Saving says
I love all the animated gif 🙂 I love thrift stores and yard sales. It’s a great way to find awesome treasures 🙂
Old World ~ New Girl says
gifs make my day lol, thank you! and I agree. I can’t wait for summer – for obvious reasons, like more sun – and outdoor garage, rummage & estate sales! =)
Skye says
These are all great tips! Especially slowing down and making enough time.
Old World ~ New Girl says
Thanks, Skye! =) it really does help to move slowly thorough out the thrift store.
Megan says
I always get so intimidated by the fact that there is SO MUCH STUFF! I know some people who find great stuff though, and am always really sad when I don’t find something awesome.
Old World ~ New Girl says
I get sad about it sometimes, too. Especially when I’ve waited a while between thrifting trips and leave empty-handed. But on the days I do find goodies, I feel like I’m swimming in gold! Lol. Moral: Patience, grasshopper =)
Alvina Castro says
I love this! I am actually a major thrift store-aholic! Just went thrifting this week and got a bunch of fun stuff
Old World ~ New Girl says
love that! “Thrift store-aholics” unite lol. I’m glad you found some thrifted goodies! =)
palmtreesandpeas says
This is great! Love the gifs!
Old World ~ New Girl says
Thank you, Endless Summer! =)
Old World ~ New Girl says
Thank you Palm Trees & Peas =) The gifs give it life!
Sarah says
This list is awesome! I agree with every point you make and need to mention that I am in LOVE with Goodwill! Name Brands, sometimes they have the tags still on them, furniture… The list can go on for days on the great deals I have found when I took the time to look!