Sustainable & Trustworthy Disaster Relief
Unexpected Disasters
Disasters happen. When they happen, no one cares about the cause, or the politics, or the insensitive people who take advantage of the situation. There are real people suffering, afraid, and in need. The most frightening outcome of all – people losing their lives – becomes a reality. In times like these, we all want to know what we can do in order to help the people that have been displaced by the natural disaster.
Hurricane Harvey has caused a lot of damage along the gulf coast in Texas – Houston, the greater Houston area, Port Arthur, and more. Several people have died. Those that are able to get away may not be able to get back. Those stranded in their city but away from their home generally only have the clothes on their backs.
Sustainable Disaster Relief
- Donate items that you no longer use like clothes & shoes that you and your family members have outgrown
- Donate cloth diapers if people are in a place where they can access a washer and dryer
Where to donate items:
- Local churches
- Local organizations that are assisting people who have been located due to the disaster
Safely donating money:
To safely donate money, Charity Navigator is a website to check to see if the places you want to donate your money are legitimate, safe, and actually helping those in need. This site also has an area that is specific to charities for Hurricane Harvey victims. This Forbes article also details several ways to make safe and smart donations during disasters like Hurricane Harvey.
For this specific disaster, Hurricane Harvey, there are a few funds that have been set up:
Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund – this was established by the Greater Houston Community Foundation and donations are tax deductible.
United Way of Greater Houston – you can donate to the United Way Flood Relief Fund at their website or by texting UWFLOOD to 41444.
Houston SPCA – the SPCA of Texas is asking for foster homes for pets, financial donations, and in-kind donations such as cat litter, crates, toys, treats, beds, and gift cards.
J.J. Watt’s Fundraiser – Houston Texans football player J.J. Watts has set up a fundraiser through You Caring. It has reached over $1 million in donations in less than one week.
Continue to Donate
There will be lasting effects as a result of any natural disaster. Some people will never be able to return home, people will need jobs and help in new locations, the affected area will need volunteers once it is safe to return, and donations will be required for a long time. Follow the stories and be vigilant about what will be needed not just now, but in the months and years to come. Don’t let the newness of a disaster be the only reason you care. Continue caring and giving as you are able to help those in need. No matter how you choose to give – whether its a prayer or $25,000 – what you do matters. Let’s continue to rally around those on the gulf coast who have been affected by Hurricane Harvey. Let us always do the same in any disaster.
xoxo dolls & dudes,
The Comments
Minimalism - From Fear to Acceptance — Old World New
[…] into perspective for me. I’m even counting AFTER I gave a lot of things away during a disaster relief clothing drive. I’m honestly afraid to see how many items I own, but I’m excited […]
Minimalism - From Fear to Acceptance — Old World New
[…] things into perspective for me. I’m even counting AFTER I gave a lot of things away during a disaster relief clothing drive. I’m honestly afraid to see how many items I own, but I’m excited to […]