Thrifted Doctor Who Cosplay – 13th Doctor
Striped Shirt
The blue pants look vintage, but they are a pair of Dockers, and their brand is only a little over 30 years old. The pants are super simple, with an elastic waist band and no pockets. They fit very comfortably, and I can see me pairing them with a cute top in the spring, or even with the boots and a sweater this winter.
Dockers trousers: about $3, Thrift Giant
These boots were a lucky find! Honestly, I hadn’t even considered what I was going to do about the shoes for this cosplay outfit. I don’t buy a lot of shoes from the thrift store because I am always weary about their cleanliness. I can’t wash thrifted shoes as easily as I can shirts and pants just by throwing them into the washing machine. Brown combat style boots that were lightweight and work with several other outfits was just a miraculous find. I say it often, but I really believe I manifested this outfit to me, nearly completely all thrifted!
Boots: $4.98, Texas Thrift
I searched for a little while but had a feeling that yellow suspenders would be difficult to find in a thrift store. To make life a little easier, I ordered these suspenders from Spencer’s store online. I can wear them again when I’m feeling like suspenders are necessary for an outfit, and my husband can wear them, too!
Suspenders: $10, Spencer’s
The coat is a lucky, fought-for find. I originally asked my friends to buy anything they found that looked similar because I knew this would be another difficult item to locate. One of my friends gave me a tan colored coat that was similar, so I was going to just roll wit it. However, at the end of the day at my second or third thrift store, I saw this gem of a jacket.
My son and I were weary and tired, and I was finally done shopping. As soon as I put the cart away, I saw this coat hanging on the rack right across from the shopping cart corral. I definitely didn’t want to get back at the end of the line. It was half price day and the line was really long. But I just COULD NOT pass this coat up. It is perfect! Definitely as perfect as a second hand coat could get to match the new stylish coat that the 13th Doctor wears. So we toughed it out, and my Doctor Who cosplay outfit is all the better for it.
Gray Coat: $3 (50% off $5.99), Thrift Giant
What character do you love and would your portray with a few thrift store finds? Let me know in the comments below!
xoxo dolls & dudes,
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[…] 15. DIY cosplay & Halloween costumes. […]