Ugly Christmas sweaters have become one of fast fashion’s latest obsessions. You can fight that by thrifting! Don’t want to go to the store? Thrift online!
The last installment in the thrifted Christmas attire series is a good ole’ quirky sweater! It is good for White Elephant and Ugly Sweater parties, but let me tell it, I still think it is FLY! Don’t forget about the other thrifted Christmas styles we’ve already explored: Classy Christmas Sweater & Vintage Velvet Dress ♥
Why should you thrift your Christmas attire? Because thrifting is the environmentally friendly option for buy “new” (new to you) clothes. Avoid fast fashion this holiday season. Thrift instead.
Related article: Thrift Fashion & Why You Should Indulge In It
Sweater: a thrift store in Arkansas (don’t remember exactly where or the price, but it was definitely less than $10)
This sweater is so cute to me. I love the green collar and how the embroidered Christmas shapes pop so well against the crisp white sweater. I’ve paired it with jeans before for a simple holiday outfit. It is actually very comfy and soft, too. It really brightens my day and puts everyone that sees it in a merry mood!
See more thrifty Christmas outfits here:
Vintage Velvet Dress | Classy Christmas Sweater | Quirky Christmas Sweater
Want to find a thrifted Christmas sweater, but don’t have time or the will to go thrifting? Shop second hand clothes online!
Visit Poshmark to buy direct from people sharing their second hand closet. Use code BAZAARECLECTIC to get $10 when you sign up!
Visit thredUP to shop a curated selection of, and get $10 to spend when you place your first order!
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