7 Ways to be Imperfectly Sustainable

Written by Addie Fisher

January 2022

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There's no such thing as perfect, despite what images on social media tell us. If you're trying to achieve sustainability by matching perfectly curated social media images, you're going about it the wrong way.

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It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be impactful. It doesn’t have to be perfect to spark change. Your imperfect sustainable journey is just right for you.

- Addie

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Use what you have: One of the greatest ways to prevent waste is by using what you already have! Shop your closet, reuse plastic containers, etc.

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Be your regular self: You can learn to live more sustainably while being true to yourself and honoring the pace at which you can make change.

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Fix things that break: Once again, keeping items that we already own and fixing them when they break is an optimal solution to living more sustainably.

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Buy what you need, make it last: Make your purchases intentional and well-thought out so that when you buy new things, they serve a good purpose and last as long as they possibly can.

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REUSE: Use items over and over. Keep using what you have and find new ways to use it when you think you just can’t use it anymore! Practical and creative reuse prevent waste.

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Keep learning: The field of sustainable innovation is ever-growing and changing, and we can learn new ways to take action to be sustainable in our everyday lives.

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REMEMBER: A little effort is better than no effort at all. In fact, small changes will add up to make the biggest difference of all.

Embrace the imperfect and be sustainable in your own way.

Instead of trying to be perfectly sustainable,