• "...the United States accounts for only about 4 percent of the world’s population yet generates 12 percent of the planet’s municipal solid waste (MSW), better known as garbage."- nrdc.org
Quick Facts
About Bathroom Waste:
"Each American produces more than 1,700 pounds of it a year, the report’s authors found, adding up to 239 million tons annually."- nrdc.org
Safety Razor
• blades are recyclable• no weekly plastic waste• when properly cared for, blades can last a long time
Bar Soap
• cuts down on plastic waste• long lasting because its hard to overuse• many bar soaps use natural ingredients these days, so they're healthier for your skin
Reusable Face Rounds
• reusable facial rounds and squares prevent wasting cotton, which is a plant that takes a lot of water to grow.
Low Flow Shower Head
• low flow shower heads save several gallons of water• newer model low-flow shower heads also use air so that the shower flow is still powerful
Tree-Free Toilet Paper
• toilet paper that doesn't require trees to be cut down• Brands like: Reel (bamboo), ECOS (bamboo & sugarcane waste), and Who Gives A Crap (recycled)
Fauce Aerator
• reduces the flow of water, thus reducing water waste when the faucet is running water• easy to install on your own
• bidets use less water than the amount of water needed to create toilet paper• Brands like Tushy Bidet offer easy to install bidets that work with your existing toilet.
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