Tips for A Successful  Paper-Free Kitchen

One way to reduce your waste is to stop buying paper towels. They require a lot of water and resources to create. Replacing them with reusable cloth towels is an option that works for me.  Will you try it, too?

Paperless Kitchen & Home


1. To start, purchase a minimum of 4 hand towels per person in your home.

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2. Wash dirty hand towels every with your regular laundry!

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3. Designate specific towels for specific duties. Example: use some towels for face, some towels for drying dishes, and some for soaking up stains that can't be removed.

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4. Store your towels together in one spot in a container, basket, or a drawer.

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Bonus – Make your towel storage part of the decor! Use woven baskets, wicker baskets, metal baskets, or even fruit baskets. Make it match the style of your kitchen.

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